Welcome to MindBody Hypnotherapy.
We help individuals, couples, and families understand the problems that are common in our society. Our clients are guided in addressing their self-defeating behaviors with objectivity and proper perspective allowing them to make lasting decisions to cease participation in those behaviors. We help them understand the root causes of the behaviors and how those causes can be properly learned from and corrected. Clients gain a new skill set for thought management that quickly and effectively shuts down desires for maladaptive behaviors including:
- Pornography and Sex Addiction
- Codependency
- Smoking
- Overeating
- Lasting Sadness
- Gambling, and many more
Individuals and families can experience freedom from the habits that have kept them from achieving their desires in life. Families can heal from the devastation of the maladaptive behaviors and become unified in purpose and desires.
Contact us for more information. Call (435) 633-6396 or email info@mbhypnotherapy.com